"Don't forget, Katie made history and left a signature on the Council. So nothing went to waste!" (Highbury resident)It's taken me a while to write this post, but I just wanted to thank all the voters in Highbury West who backed Katie Dawson on May 6th - over two thousand of you, double the number who voted for Katie last time. As you'll all know by now, sadly that wasn't enough to get Katie re-elected, but we do want you all to know how much we value your support. We also want you to know that we in Islington Green Party will continue to fight for what we believe in - albeit, for the time being, as members of the community rather than with our own distinctive voice on the Council.
I'd also like to thank the many Highbury residents who have got in touch by phone, text, and e-mail with very kind messages of support and thanks for Katie's hard work over the last four years. Those messages mean a huge amount to us.
The political picture in Islington has changed a lot: not only are Labour, rather than the Lib Dems, in control of the council - but unlike in the past four years, there is no close balance between the parties. The overwhelming dominance of one party makes it more important than ever for those of us on the outside to hold the administration to account. We will aim to shine a light on unfairness, injustice, and environmentally damaging behaviour by those charged with running our Borough wherever it occurs.
That work of holding the Council to account started a bit sooner than expected this week when the new Labour administration took the decision, without any consultation or prior announcement, to abolish local planning committees and centralise all planning decisions. This undemocratic move means our local green spaces, including those at the Secret Garden and the Sobell Centre, are at risk of inappropriate development as never before. The fight goes on!